Polish Society of Phlebology (primary named Phlebological Society) was founded 25 years ago (1991) by Dr Tomasz Drążkiewicz (honorary President-Founder of the Society) and Co-Founders. In September 1992, the name Polish Society of Phlebology was officially introduced and registered according to the decision of the Society Member General Assembly.

In 1993 the official Journal of society was founded and since then it has been known as “Phlebological Review”) – currently the journal is the English language one with an international scientific Board and Dr Marian Simka as an Editor in Chief. During more than 25 years of the activity, many scientific and educative events in the field of phlebology were organized as the local and international meetings. During all the years of the activity of the Society and Society Members, a significant progress in phlebology was stimulated, leading to the development of phlebology as a recognisable medical discipline in Poland.

Currently, one of the main goals of the Polish Society is a continuous education of their members as well other physicians and medical staff interested in the problems related to the vein and lymphatic system disease. Another important goal is an active stimulation of the research projects as well as the support in their performance. The number of courses dedicated to various phlebological procedures was also introduced and organized in the Society and dedicated to the education of the Society Member.

Being the member of an International Union of Phlebology and actively cooperating with other Scientific Societies, Polish Society of Phlebology promotes the standards of care in phlebology by taking simultaneously care of an increase of the scientific and professional level of the Society and its Members. The Members of the Society are involved in many domestic and international scientific and educative projects. Finally, the meetings of the Society became the platform for the knowledge and international experience exchange. High level of the member participation, as well as growing international cooperation, result in the continuous development of phlebology in Poland. 

In 2019 Poland and Polish Society of Phlebology will host UIP in Krakow. It is great honour and privilege for our Society to welcome the Speakers, Participants and all UIP members and Friends of phlebology from many countries and continents.   

Tomasz Urbanek 
Polish Society of Phlebology

More : www.ptf.org.pl